

Given ongoing territorial disputes between India and China, how significant is the recent Indian ICBM test?

Si vis pacem para bellum

Neither India or China are going to fight over border disputes anymore. It's not good for business for either party. While misunderstandings may occur because India and China speak different political languages, I highly doubt we will see escalation like between the historical US-Soviet confrontations. I would start worrying if China and India start building nuclear fallout shelter infrastructure. 

Significance is in the west not east

This does reign in radical Pakistani ambitions, because any major conflict (ie something like 1971 not 1999) may draw China in, as their BFF. India having finally a proper nuclear deterrent gives China one more reason to stay out, and thus give the radicals less confidence or options. Madly enough, MAD works. 

Disputes are bullshit

One more thing about these border disputes: China (and Japan) uses their disputes to drown out the issues within their own country. Besides Pakistan, India's next major enemy is itself: corruption and religious fundamentalism or nationalism. South Tibet has much less economic and strategic value than Senkaku Islands. Could India's ruling elite be using these conflicts to divert focus from the real issues?
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About Chinese not from China

Chinese not from China is an overseas Chinese educated on Chinese history, fluent in two Chinese languages, and raised in Chinese culture. Learn more about me.
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